A Night at Brittany Broski’s Royal Court


Here ye, hear ye! The Supreme Leader of Broski Nation, Brittany Broski, voyaged from her Los Angeles headquarters to visit the realm of College Station on February 25, 2025. Visiting Aggieland was not just any regular work trip for Broski, but a visit to her alma mater! Brittany Broski graduated from Texas A&M with a Communications degree in 2018. Seven years post-grad, Broski has built a remarkable creative empire, “Broski Nation,” with over 15 million followers across social media. Her podcasts, The Broski Report and Royal Court, discuss pop culture and current news topics that inspire, educate and humor viewers. Filled with comedy, storytelling, deep dives and niche references, watching Brittany’s content feels like catching up with an old friend. Broski’s sold-out show at Rudder Theater allowed Aggies to ask her their burning questions about college and pop culture.

Brittany reflected on her time at A&M throughout the show, answering eleven college-related questions. From traditions to academics to Chilifest, Broski spoiled Aggies with secrets from her time as an undergrad student and advised her younger self. 

What was or still is your favorite tradition at A&M?

“Probably taking a pickleback shot at Tipsy Turtle. But to answer more seriously, I was on the Traditions Council, Keepers of the Spirit! It was a privilege and an honor to be a part of Silver Tapps and the committee that welcomes the families. It is such a beautiful tradition. Same with Muster: once an Aggie, always an Aggie, which I have found incredibly true wherever I go. If I see an Aggie ring on someone's finger, even if it is an 80 year old man, I’ll ask about it. It is a uniting thing, and it's wonderful. I live in Los Angeles, the most un-Aggie place probably ever, and I have found Aggies. In a calm, somber way, Silver Tapps and Muster are the end of that journey and it's really beautiful. Those would be my favorite traditions.”

What was your favorite part of being a Communications major at A&M?

“Probably the mold in the building. I was in Bolton because all of the classes were like subterranean and smelled like earth and wet. And if it rains, it’s not happening today. You know, what I particularly liked about the later 400-level Communication classes was like, oh we are getting into it bitch.. Persuasion: I loved that class. Rhetoric of Western Thought was fun, but my professor was like, “Well, I wrote the book.” Uh, we get it! So that part made it a bit hard for me because anytime I would not understand, he would be like “It is in the book, I don't know what else to tell you.” Like?

But what I liked about Communications, and any liberal arts major, is that many of the courses are discussion-based, which, if you are a yapper, is for you. I loved engaging in some of the discourse because you learn so much, and I wanted to be challenged because that's how you learn. It was great. Some of those professors are infinite wells of knowledge, and I miss it a lot. But yeah, Communications is great if you operate on that side of your brain; it is general, like the business major of this realm.”

Throughout your interview with Hozier, you mentioned an English class you loved. What was it?

“It was British Literature 1 and I wish I remembered the professor’s name. It was here at A&M and I took it in the liberal arts building. I used to study there. Of course we are not talking about Dracula, we are talking about the Middle Ages. It's also not in English but old English. And my professor was like, “Read it”. Yes, of course, and I will! We learned about Beowulf and Canterbury Tails and stuff like that.”

If Texas A&M were ruled under you as supreme leader, what would your first three executive orders be?

“The first order would be $1 Chick-fil-A meals. I know what the people want. I’m tapped in. I would probably do some of those fan misters from Universal Studios. I would install those at every corner of this campus. I would also make sure that Reveille gets a better schedule for us. I think she should tour all the buildings once every three months. I’d like to see her! I feel like when I was at A&M, I didn’t see her much. She needs to do a world tour. Those are my three orders. If I had a fourth, we would be gutting the Panda Express in the basement of the Memorial Student Center. In its place, I say we expand Fuego. Will it be a fire hazard? Yes. Will they sell out by 10 a.m. every morning? Yeah! It's called running a small business.”

Thoughts on Heldenfels Hall?

“I am very familiar with Heldenfels. Here's what I will say - what is irredeemable about many of the buildings on this campus is that they lack an aesthetic. I love the Academic Building, the Liberal Arts Building, and the Administration Building. Those are some of the most stunning, beautiful buildings. I remember walking into the Administration Building for the first time and being amazed. The thing about Heldenfels and all these military buildings is that they feel like a prison! When I finally didn’t have 100s level classes where they pack you into Heldenfels with no windows or anything, I finally realized how the upperclassmen felt. It was nuts. It is sad that during your first year at A&M, you are in multiple buildings with no windows. I miss some of those chairs with the desk attached to them where you can get such a good hip-popping angle.”

Which guest from Royal Court would you bring to A&M?

“I think the question should be who can handle it. I think Drew Afualo would tear it up. Actually, I am going to rephrase your question into “Who have I interviewed that would I like to come to Texas A&M?” and that would be Timothee Chalamet. And he can bring Kylie Jenner, I don’t care! Also, why was Kendall Jenner at Northgate?”

What is your hottest take on College Station?

“Why is the water slimy? Every time I come back here, the water won’t come off. Then I remember I lived here for four years like that. It is soft water, what does that mean?! Make it hard! Also, College Station can not sustain this many people. There are just too many people. Every time I come back, it is so busy. When I lived here, there used to be times when things were not busy, but now it's always crowded. I mean, I don’t live here anymore, so good luck with all that. But soft water is my biggest thing, it makes me want to take a deep inhale of a cigarette every time.”

What was your most unhinged moment from your time at Texas A&M?

“I need to mention Chilifest. Chills just ran down my spine. The first time I went, I was really hung up on white claws. The building that I went to was NASA themed, and I’m pretty sure we were with “deke” like TKE, because it sounds like dick of course. I don’t think there has ever been a more clear display of misogyny than what Chilifest is at its core. Like “Do you want to come to our build? Are your titties out?” Woah. I was gagged. Just give me my white claw please. It was horrendous. Then we realized about halfway through the night at 9:30 p.m. that music was playing. And guess who it was? Lynyrd Skynyrd. I ran in slow motion, running through the field and knocking trash cans over. I run to the front, and there are a bunch of bubbas there. I have never smelt more potent B.O. in my life. But I dragged my friend there and it was so much fun. FREE BIRD! By that point, you have not eaten. You are exhausted and sunburnt. It was time to catch the bus home. Well, we did miss the bus. So we called my friend, bless her, who drove from College Station to Snook to get me and my friends because we were stranded. I’ve done it and I never need to do it again. That was the most redneck bullshit I have ever been to.”

How does it feel to have a comedy show on campus where you were once a student?

“Comedy is brave. I had to take a moment in the beginning to be like, “This is nuts”. When I started doing college shows in 2021, I told my bookings manager that the only school I give a fuck about is Texas A&M. I have been wanting to come to A&M for so long, and it finally worked out. It has been an uphill battle to get here. But this is a literal dream, and my family is here! It is really special because all of us are Aggies.”

If you got to tell your college self anything, what would it be?

“Cool it on the Red Bull. My study snack 2-4 times a week was a tallboy Red Bull or two, a family-sized bag of Takis, and those shit-your-pants Starbucks frappés. I would tear up an Aggie Express before I would study. Every last dollar I had was spent there. My thought process was that I was going to be tweaking, therefore I will study. What I did not account for was that I would be tweaking, my mouth would be on fire, and I would be on the toilet. To be fair, once I had suffered, I got some of the best studying done in my life. It’s 4 a.m., and you are alone in Evan’s tweaking. Truly, I was locked in. It was a process, and I would do it every time I would study. It’s nice to have a routine!”

What was your favorite thing that you were involved in at Texas A&M?

“Maggies without a doubt! I was talking to my friend backstage about how I have truly never been exposed to, in one setting, a group of women who are so intelligent and diverse with many different backgrounds. They were so intentional. You have to find the women's organization that matches you. I remember feeling so rejected when I applied to stuff, or especially when they make you send a photo and then you are rejected. I was rejected from almost everything, even being a fish camp counselor. There is nothing worse. As I researched, I realized that all the women I had met through classes or my fish camp counselors were Maggies. One of my friends told me to apply, and I got accepted! I’m currently planning a trip with my Maggies, so these are lifelong friends. I graduated seven years ago, and the people from school I still talk to are my Maggies. The bond you make in these women's organizations is unlike anything else. Please don’t take it for granted because when you leave A&M, it is hard to make friends as an adult. Take the time to invest in those friendships, and I know it's hard because you have a million things to do. I do think that there is no harm in trying and failing. College is the place to do it because it will be worse when you leave. Take the time to think about the people you see as lifelong friends. Shoutout to Maggies, I love y’all!”

In true Broski style, she answered six witty questions about her personal interests and public figures she has interviewed. The long awaited questions from members of the court have finally received their deserved answers!

What do you think your last words on earth would be?

“Probably something really fucking stupid. A belch. Don’t mind her, she had Popeye’s earlier. She had a McDonald's Sprite earlier. You always want them to be wise, go forth, and be good, some bullshit like that. I would probably be like, bye!”

You just got drafted into a Viking raid. What is the Broski Nation’s battle cry?

“It has to be oOoOoOoO (gorilla sound). You have to intimidate the other Viking clan like we are the monkey clan. We wear capes and monkey fur that can act as insulation. We don’t do polar bear or wolf hides. When you hear us coming in our big scary Viking boat chanting, you can’t tell me you wouldn’t be terrified. And by the way, I am fully naked.”

Any hints to future Royal Court Guests?

“We are getting some people from The Last of Us. There is this curse when I do shows like this, and the question is, “What have you been working on?” I reveal it, but it doesn't end up happening. Like the day before, the guest is like, “Eh, can’t do it.” AH! So, I am not going to reveal names, but there is someone from a Star Wars project. There will be some urine left on that throne after that. Wet the robe real bad. We just had Coleman Domingo on, who is the co-chair of the Met Gala, by the way. He was such a sweetie. The one that was the gag of all gags was Aaron Taylor Johnson. The first thing he did when he walked into the building was introduce himself to everyone in the room. He was very sweet, aggressively British, and smelled great. He came up to me and said, (in a British accent), “Thanks so much for having me, my daughter is a big fan,” and I was like daughter? Like a daughter that's my age? And he was like, “No, my daughter, she's in high school and watches the Broski Report every morning. She loves you.” That's nuts to think that in the Taylor-Johnson household, my podcasts are played.”

Would you ever consider moving back to Texas, maybe Austin?

“I think about moving back all the time, but not to get political, I don’t feel that Texas is a safe place for women. If I were to move back, it would be to the Austin area. There are all the lakes and that hippie vibe, which is not me, but I see myself there. It’s a sad thing that I have had to come to terms with. I talk with Caleb Hearon about it all the time because there's nothing I want more than to go home, but the home that I grew up in feels like it does not exist anymore. That has been hard for me to come to terms with as an adult because I come back here, and I’m like, “God it's good to be back!” But then I remember what is happening. Texas is not where I want it, so I will be in Los Angeles for now. It is a funny statement, but I feel safe there. What I do right now for my job is there for whatever reason, and I would love to come back here but we have work to do! One day!”

What is your favorite Southern saying?

“There are too many. All the ones I’m thinking of you can’t say, which is not ok. Caleb said one to me the other day, and I can not remember the context. Still, I do know that the punchline was “You can’t shit through a screen door!” Everytime he says it, I clap like a seal. Mine are more so words like “goozel” and “wall-eyed.” Different things like that, not many sayings come to mind.”

Who has been your favorite guest to interview at the Royal Court?

“Cole Sprouse. DUH! He was my sexual awakening. I know that he is corny, cringy, and cheesy. The C words go on and on. But that's my Cole. He is my little military veteran. When guests come to play and bring a witty and fun attitude, we have so much fun. Verses the opposite, where guests come in and they are so deeply serious. Like babe, you are wearing a cape. Let’s take a pause, regroup, and reassess. I want my guests to feel comfortable, so don’t take yourself too seriously.”

Brittany Broski’s panel at the MSC Town Hall was a beautiful full-circle moment. Broski’s return shows that no matter how much you grow and achieve in life, it is important to remember your roots. Once an Aggie, always an Aggie! Texas A&M definitely has a special spot in Broski Nation!

Written by Ava Whelan, Design: Diana Moraila