Real Talk: Staying Sane During Quarantine
Navigating Our New Normal
Written by Alexa Ojeda & Samhita Anapu, Photography by Abbi Roane, Graphics by Alyssa Hoppie, Media by Anna Cowan
With the COVID-19 crisis, most of us are trying to grasp some sort of consistency, familiarity, and normalcy in our new, socially distanced world. Not to mention, the world has become more polarized than ever with various news outlets and social media sites spewing information at viewers a hundred miles a minute. However, in the midst of all this uncertainty lies a silver lining—some YOU TIME. There’s no better time than the present to start or continue focusing on your mental health. Here’s how:
Find Your Passions
Whether it’s reading, working out, or even dancing to your favorite Tik Tok, don’t be afraid to step back, stretch your legs, and give yourself a little break. After all, you deserve it! Finding something that makes you consistently happy can help create a routine where you make time to enjoy your favorite things. For example, putting an hour aside in your day to dance to “The Renegade” or read a chapter of Pride and Prejudice can tremendously benefit your mental health. For our workout junkies, Chloe Ting’s challenges have never failed.
“Listen to your wants and needs and figure out what makes YOU happy.”
Bullet Journaling
With our days filled with back-to-back Zoom classes, endless study sessions, and countless trips to the kitchen, a word dump can give you some clarity. Assigning a bullet journal as a dedicated area to get your troubles, thoughts, and feelings out of your head and on paper can relax you after a long, tiring day. We recommend AmandaRachLee’s channel on YouTube. She provides endless journaling inspirations that are both cute and successful in jumpstarting your productivity.
Spa Day
When managing your mental health, it’s important to listen to what your mind needs. Just as you would treat any other part of your body, your mind must also receive the same care. Taking the time to draw a bath or tidy up your room can make a world of difference. Some fall-themed throw pillows or an episode of The Office can provide some much-needed relief. In the midst of a global pandemic, we are forced to reevaluate the way we go through our daily lives. So go at your own pace, listen to your body, and remember that it’s okay to enjoy being alone.
ZOOM Calls with Friends
Quarantine can be very hard to tackle all at once. Especially if you feel like you’re tackling it alone. However, with a few taps on your phone, Facetime, Zoom, or even HouseParty can be great ways to communicate with friends down the road or across the country! We recommend using Netflix Party, a laptop extension that synchronizes video playback and has an interactive chat box. Then, you and your friends can fangirl over Eleven from Stranger Things, Troy Bolton from High School Musical, or Dr. Spencer Reid from Criminal Minds.
Socially Distant Picnic
If you don’t like being confined to a tiny, dimly lit screen and prefer face-to-face contact, no worries! Grab a blanket, a packed lunch, and your mask, and find a nearby park. Take cute pictures, breathe in some fresh air, and allow yourself to bask in the outdoors. You can set out the blankets six feet apart and catch up on missed quality time or play a game. The app Heads Up! is also a fun and social distance-friendly option!
Regardless of what method you choose, maintaining consistency in your mental and emotional health can be difficult. Ultimately, listen to your wants and needs and figure out what makes you happy (the keyword being ‘you’). Always know that it’s okay to have bad days, make mistakes, be less than perfect, and just go at your own pace.