Making the Most of Your Holiday Break

Feeling burnt out? Trust us, you aren’t the only one. We all love the holiday season, from the festive activities and décor to wreaths and lit-up Christmas trees. All of these help us get in the joyous mood. Yet, another reason we enjoy these seasons is for the days off, right? Whether it's from work, school, or zooms, we’ve compiled a list on how to effectively utilize your holidays.

Reconnect with Family

The holidays always infuse us with feelings of gratefulness and a desire to spend time with our immediate family. Currently, it’s a hard time as many people have not been able to hug their loved ones during the pandemic. Nevertheless, picking up the phone or planning a Zoom call with your close family members will fulfill and rekindle your relationships. A single text, or even a handwritten letter can mean so much to a family member. These small actions serve as reminders that we’re thinking about someone special, making everyone involved feel appreciated. 


Ever thought to yourself, “I should have done this” or “I wish I had chosen a different method to go about this situation”? Now is the time to work on those things, improving yourself entirely. This break is an opportunity for self-introspection—to learn and grow. Try journaling, because this dissects your jumbled thoughts onto a written page, which can guide your mental processes. Journaling allows you to look back on past entries and reflect on your development. After all, learning takes time and we might as well start now.

Playing Catch-up 

Time to catch up on things that have been put off due to time constraints. To put you in a good mood, wake up early, brew some coffee/tea, and catch up on A-Line articles, books you’ve been dying to read, or shows you've been hearing people rave about. Try your hand at new hobbies, DIY projects, and styles. This is the time to indulge in activities that are free of stress. 


Lastly and most essentially, take a moment to breathe. Go for a run, walk your pet, pat on a face mask, and do whatever else you need to rejuvenate your healthy mindset. It’s imperative to your overall wellbeing to keep tabs on your physical and mental health. 

Breaks are necessary for every person to recharge, both mentally and physically. It's difficult to keep up the constantly high energy we need to run our day to day lives, and for some, it can be stressful to make time for self-care. Find a balance of remaining productive in the work aspects of your life while making sure to enjoy the holiday spirit, spending time with those you cherish. 

Article Written by Grace Doering and Claudia Mata & Graphic Design Created by Cassidy Schippel