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Essentialism - Life has an inherent meaning based on human nature.

Essentialism believes that all things have a fundamental set of characteristics, or “essence,” that make them what they are, and that without these qualities, that thing ceases to exist. Her father was the famous philosopher Plato, but soon she and many of his other ideas were adopted by his student, Aristotle. She is seen often in scientific discussions, how she finds home in the genetic makeup of animals or in the molecular makeup of chemicals as their respective “essences.”

She’s unsurprisingly become controversial as she’s gotten older. Some have used her to justify racist and misogynistic beliefs that some are fundamentally inferior, or to argue that people are not in control of their actions. However, she could also be used as a comfort for one’s identity. If one believes they are fundamentally kind at their core, then they will likely attempt to be kind in their actions. If one believes they are strong, it can give them the confidence to face setbacks. Unlike the others that follow, she believes that life has a purpose and meaning, and for many that’s an optimistic thought. While the following philosophies fundamentally clash with most religious beliefs, Essentialism can coincide easily with spirituality. 

Her favorite and most famous book came in the 21st century: Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown. The modern text allows the readers to understand her without a lot of difficulty and interpretation. 

“We can know a thing only by knowing its essence.” -Aristotle

Existentialism - Life has no meaning, so one makes their own meaning.

Meet Existentialism. She was born sometime in the 19th century, but took off in the mid-20th. She’s from Paris and is credited as the daughter of philosopher and playwright Jean-Paul Sartre. She believes in individual responsibility and consequence. It’s undeniable that existence is the very first thing in the universe, so it's that existence that gives someone meaning. In fact, the fact that you’re even reading her profile means that you can have meaning. Existentialism unfortunately doesn’t like to share with Essentialism - it’s either one or the other. Her father always said “Existence precedes essence,” and so the two often clash and do not share partners.

Her likes include authenticity, not conforming to societal norms and embracing the absurd. She dislikes those who feel sorry for themselves, don’t take responsibility for their actions and those who want to be stationary in their lives. Her favorite books include The Plague by Albert Camus, Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Friedrich Nietzsche and Existentialism is a Humanism by Jean-Paul Sarte. She’ll often be in conversation among recent college graduates, girls navigating their twenties and men approaching the middle-to-late stages of their life. 

The universe is incomprehensible, so one can only define their existence from their own individual perspective. 

“Man is nothing else but which he makes of himself.” -Jean-Paul Sartre, Being and Nothingness

Nihilism - Life has no meaning. That’s it.

She was created by Friedrich Nietzsche in his novel The Gay Science, but be prepared for her daddy issues. Nietzsche believed that she lingers when people step away from traditional morality, and that she will lead to a crisis in humanity. Her name, which is based on the Latin word nihil, “nothing,” was popularized in Ivan Turgenev’s novel Fathers and Sons

She’s had her share of controversies throughout her life. When one rejects morality and meaning, theoretically they could justify their wrongdoings and the harm they cause to others. It’s often debated whether she should even be in the dating field. When those defend her, they bring out the idea that she can be liberating for those who overthink the questions of the universe. This version of her is called Optimistic Nihilism.

You’re not going to need to waste your money paying for her spa day- she prefers to be stress-free. Her likes include embracing the challenges of the universe head on and the ability to let go of meaningless things. She dislikes those who worry about things they can’t control. Her favorite book is Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky. Recently, she’s been featured as the titular character in the popular show “Bojack Horseman.”

“Nihilism: any aim is lacking, any answer to the question ‘why’ is lacking.” -Friedrich Nietzsche, Untimely Meditations

Absurdism - Life has no meaning, and that’s ok.

Next is Absurdism. Many look at her and mistake her for Existentialism. Many believe they’re sisters, both belonging to Camus. But don’t tell her or Camus that - they take great offense. Sometimes she’s likened to Nihilism, with the two often appearing in the same novels or discussed within the same characters. However, it’s important to remember that Absurdism is one of her own.

She gained popularity in Algiers, France when philosopher and author Albert Camus adopted her. She is created around the idea of “the absurd” - the paradox that humans will always want to ask questions about the meaning of life and the universe, and the fact that the universe will never answer those questions. Because of that, she believes that there is no point in continuing to ask these questions. She understands the limitations placed on human’s knowledge, and so she will get on with what she has. 

Her likes include embracing what life has to offer, and finding meaning in the little things, the everyday experiences. You’ll often find her rolling a boulder up a hill, even though she knows it’ll come right back down. Her most popular books are accredited to her father, including The Stranger, The Myth of Sisyphus, and The Rebel, but she is also found in Franz Kaftka’s novels, such as The Trial and The Metamorphosis. Also, while many of your dates here are featured in the tv show The Good Place, Absurdism is undeniably the main character.

It’s important to understand that she’s not looking for a soulmate or a short term partner or even a friendship. But, if any of those things happen preceding the first date, then they happen. There may be the idea that she doesn’t have the capacity to love, and this isn’t the case. She just wants to enjoy the present moment, being here, on this date with you. She’s so excited to live out her adventure within your lifetime. 

“You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.” -Albert Camus, Institutions

Written by Gracie Streetman, Photography: Jacki Burns, Social Media: Kailu Taylor, Event: Reagan French

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