What I Wish I Knew My Freshman Year
Personal Essay by Madison Trousdale, Photos by Kristina Garcia and graphic by Ariella Cemental
To my freshman self:
These next four years will be some of the best years of your life. You will make so many amazing memories, meet tons of new people, and learn a lot of valuable life lessons. College will not always be smooth sailing, but you will be okay. You will learn more about yourself than you can imagine and come out a totally different person— stronger, wiser, and sure of who you are. I know you think you have it all figured out, but these tips are a compilation of some of the most important lessons I learned through my time in college.
Call home
Freshman year will be fast-paced and busy, but don’t forget to make time to call home. Making time for family is what will keep you grounded during your college experience. No one will know you better or have your back more than your family. They are your rock and they will be there for you when you need advice, encouragement or just someone to talk to. Remember, they are going through a big life change with you being out of the house for the first time too, so a phone call will help ease the pain of missing you.
Try new things
Failure is inevitable. In life, you will fail time and time again, but every time you fail, you come out a stronger and better person. College is a time for exploring, finding who you are, and figuring out your passions. Don’t be afraid to try new things and put yourself out there. Getting out of your comfort zone will be difficult at first, but once you do it, you will see how many doors it will open for you.
No more comparison
Comparison is the killer of joy. In college, it is easy to fall into the trap of comparing yourself to people around you, especially with how prevalent social media is in today’s world. People put their best moments on social media, so when you are wondering why your freshman year doesn’t seem as exciting and care-free as others’, remember that everyone is going through their own struggles. Everyone’s college experience looks different and there is no “right way” to do college. Enjoy your life and the people in it, because you will make memories and friendships that will last a lifetime.
Don’t sweat it
Life is too short to worry about small things. That exam you are stressing about isn’t as big as it seems right now. The boy that isn’t texting you back doesn’t matter. The end of a friendship doesn’t mean the end of the world. Focus on the things that you are thankful for instead of dwelling on the negative things you are facing. You will be okay. You are stronger than you know and the struggles you are dealing with will eventually pass.
You will find yourself
It may seem like everyone around you has their life totally figured out, but they don’t. Don’t stress about not knowing exactly what you want to do with your life right now. College is a time for self-discovery and adventure. Chase after your passions and you will find where you belong. You will find your friends, your passions, and your place here at Texas A&M.
Enjoy these four years, because they will fly by.