Growing Through College

Leaving your hometown and family is not an easy thing to do, however, it can be the most rewarding experience of your life. Once senior year comes around, you are going to look back at your freshman-year-self and realize how far you’ve come. Whether it’s your style, opinions, or the people you hold nearest to your heart, do not be apologetic for the growth you’ve made. 

Be open-minded 

The opportunity for new experiences is everywhere in college. You have the freedom to make decisions on your own, and be your own person. Learn about people on campus who are different from you and come from a variety of backgrounds. Listen to other’s opinions even if you do not necessarily agree with them. Approach every situation with non-judgment and realize that it’s okay to think differently than you did back when you first set foot on campus. College comes with educating yourself in so many ways, even outside of the classroom.  

Be creative in finding your style 

College is the perfect opportunity to reinvent yourself in all ways — especially fashionably. Dye your hair or get a new hairstyle, experiment with other colors that you would not have picked out first. Push yourself and do not be afraid to wear something that makes you feel beautiful. Stay true to who you are while experimenting with how you present yourself. Bodies and facial structures are bound to change but do not be afraid of what is natural. Look at how you have grown in a positive light and present yourself in a way that makes you feel confident. 

Get ready for a world of opportunity 

Prepare yourself in college for the world of opportunity that’s yet to come. Realize that every decision, every club, and every person you have made connections with are preparing you for your adventures that lie ahead. College is about exploring who you are so once you enter the real world, you can thrive on a sea of possibilities.

Written by Lindsey Golden, Photos by Lia Onisiphorou, Design by Isabela Esparza, Media by Kristen Phillips