Pretty and Plant-Powered

Influencers and wellness magazines alike cannot stop talking about “plant-based” lifestyles. While a hearty cheeseburger is hard to trump, here is why incorporating more vegetables into your diet is not as difficult as it may appear. 

Firstly, it is important to hone in on the various terms one may hear regarding this plant-based craze. “Vegan” refers to an individual who does not consume any form of animal products, meaning that they decide to avoid meat, seafood, dairy products, eggs, and animal fats. “Vegetarian” refers to an individual who avoids consuming meat and seafood but typically eats egg and dairy products. “Flexitarian” is an individual who generally sticks to a plant-based diet but may incorporate small to moderate amounts of meat. Lastly, “pescetarian” refers to an individual who avoids meat but still consumes seafood. 

There is no reason to feel compelled to completely abandon animal-based products, though the reasoning behind these diet changes is mind-boggling. Surprisingly, meat is one of the most detrimental practices to the precious planet Earth. The New York Times reported that animal agriculture caused the same amount of greenhouse gas emissions as all cars, trucks, ships, and airplanes combined. Furthermore, the benefits of incorporating unprocessed plant protein into one’s diet are endless. MD Anderson Cancer Center attributes that increasing a diet of whole plant protein will decrease the likelihood of cancer, coronary artery diseases, and inflammation. Further, fruits and vegetables are packed with antioxidants that help prevent sickness and contribute to a healthy gut microbiome. 

If swapping out meat for plant protein sounds intriguing, consider trying tofu. Sold in blocks soaked in water at most grocery stores, it can be thought of as a blank canvas: it can taste like whatever one desires. In order to enjoy a savory meal of this power food, it is highly recommended that tofu be marinated with spices and seasonings before baking or frying it. Furthermore, with 20 grams of protein per cup, tofu proves that protein goals can easily be achieved with plants. For more inspiration and recipes, check out Nasim Lahbichi’s recipe index or 101Cookbooks. The sky is undoubtedly the limit; creamy pasta can be made with luscious coconut milk instead of cream. Jackfruit can be used to swap out pulled pork and still lend dishes a meaty texture. Plant-based inspiration is at one’s fingertips from TikTok recipes, to cookbooks and magazines, to Pinterest food art. 

Adhering to a vegan or vegetarian diet can be quite feasible when going out to eat with friends or on a date. Look no further than Century Square on University Boulevard for a handful of veggie options. Cava, a fast-casual restaurant that allows customers to pick from a variety of ingredients to build their meal, is a superb place to go meatless. Non-meat protein options include falafels (crunchy seasoned chickpeas) and roasted vegetables. Mess Waffles, Etc. is a local breakfast and brunch spot that offers several meatless options, including vegan chicken tenders and mac and cheese. Their plant-based chicken is made from gluten, the main protein found in wheat, to give a meaty, umami texture. Furthermore, Velvet Taco has four plant-based tacos, each with a unique combination of ingredients that devise a medley of flavors that will make you never miss the fajitas. Plant-based meals are becoming increasingly popular in fast food and luxury restaurants alike.

Plants nourish the body and soul. Start with small changes, such as trying a new meatless recipe every weekend or swapping oat milk for cow milk. In a fast-paced world, consuming a diet rich in unprocessed plant-based foods is a critical component of maintaining health and sanity. Embracing the plant-based lifestyle is not about sacrificing flavor or comfort; it is about discovering a world of diverse, nourishing, and satisfying options that can benefit everyone.

Written by Hannah Toy, Photography: Grace Weng, Social Media: Shreya Tiruvidula

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