Finding Inspiration in the Small Things
Let’s be real—this past year was complete madness and has taken a toll on all of us. Burn-out is a universal experience these days, and rekindling those feelings of inspiration and appreciation is something that cannot be learned through Zoom University. Being inspired has the power to propel a person from apathy to possibility, so allow us to define the little things in life that can help to rekindle your human spirit.
“Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars and see yourself running with them.”
Make Your Mornings a Happy Place
Maybe life is not about having a million beautiful days, but about making a million beautiful moments. What better way to start than a slow morning? Forgo the dreadful waking-up; instead, make the conscious decision to look ahead at the new opportunities of the day. Implement a routine that makes you excited to wake up and get going, prioritizing 2-3 things that you do to get started on a good note. For example: turning on music, opening your blinds, making your bed, and brewing coffee can be at the top of your to-do list before anything else. Welcome the day instead of sleeping in (except on weekends—we feel you there).
Coffee Shop Visits
Whether you are studying for a midterm or tackling an artistic endeavor, one thing is certain: the ambiance of a coffee shop provides that nostalgic comfort and motivation needed to come up with fresh ideas (especially when everyone around you is working hard). The smell of freshly brewed coffee and light tunes are essentially instant ways to get the creative juices flowing. Sweet Eugene's House of Java in College Station is the epitome of an enlivening coffee experience.
“Notice the little things around. Notice the small things that give you happiness, even if it is a minute short. If something makes your soul smile, note it and make sure you include its part of your routine.”
Laughter is Medicine
The conversations with friends that somehow turn into 3:00 am memoirs are paramount to a happy life. Nights that make us feel like we’re driving through a tunnel while David Bowie’s “Heroes” is playing in the background (you know, the nights that make us feel infinite—Perks of Being a Wallflower, we’re looking at you) need to be taken note of and appreciated every time they come along.
Watching a Sunset
As the red and orange skies turn to twilight, simply staring into the horizon is a great way to reflect on the day. Pause for a second to take in the simple beauty of nature, because it’s the free moments like this that inspire us the most.
Written by Larissa Villegas & Vanessa Hernandez, Photography by Savannah Patterson, Design by Lindsey Rogers & Lili Sullivan, Media by London Marchman