Here's Why Your Skin Has Been Breaking Out Like Crazy During Quarantine


Loving Your Skin

Article by Emma Garza, Photos by Sofia Perez

At the beginning of quarantine, it was easy (and let’s face it, naive) to think that this was our one true shot at clear skin. No more applying makeup with an overused sponge, no more exposing our already sensitive skin to external toxins, and no. more. 8 AMs.

This was it.

Before getting into the rest of this article, it is imperative to note that on a scale of 1-10 of important subject matters right now, zits sit at a solid zero. However, we can’t deny that we notice the difference in our skin and it’s surprising to the majority of people who have experienced these sudden, serious changes. That, reader, is worth unpacking.

As most of you guessed it, stress is the leading cause of these sudden breakouts. Not only is the mere subject of COVID-19 stress-inducing enough, but it has had a major domino effect on everything in its wake. The state of our world right now is fragile, security is sky-high in certain areas, and life as we know it has been turned completely upside down in what feels like an overnight series of events. On top of that, virtually everyone has had to undergo drastic changes in their daily routines. Teachers who have traditionally always taught in person have had to shift their classes to an online format, while students have had to adapt to a seemingly larger workload. Plans were cancelled. Ceremonies were put on hold. Going out to dinner with friends seems like something from a past life. We miss spending time with our people in person.

So of course, we’re stressed.

During times of uncertainty and angst, our system copes by increasing its production of cortisol. Cortisol is a steroid hormone that is made in the adrenal glands, and is usually released during stressful times, increasing heart rate, blood pressure, and muscle tension. Another thing it increases? The production of sebum. As the seasoned acne experts we college students are, we are familiar with this oily substance that contributes to various forms of acne.

Quarantine breakouts can also be linked to your lockdown eating habits. First off, there is no shame in baking one too many loaves of banana bread and loading up on pizza because the motivation to cook every meal is at an all-time low. Times are strange and even if they weren’t, it’s hard to say no to your favorite foods when you’re at home all day and the pantry is full of snacks. Add in the good ‘ol “I’m going to support local tonight and order some Chinese takeout” and you’ve become the poster child for every quarantined person ever. Food makes us happy—we can (gladly) accept that.

However, foods packed with sugar, dairy, and refined carbs can have a direct impact on the look and feel of your skin. To instill a healthy balance, add in some nutritious options like carrots with hummus, or apples with peanut butter (and a sprinkle of chocolate chips, of course). Opt for avocado toast instead of sugary cereal, or blend up a fruit smoothie with all of your favorite berries. Above all, hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! Keeping a glass of water or a Hydroflask on hand at all times is crucial to healthy skin, and drinking water throughout the entire day helps to keep you awake and moving. You can even pop in some cucumber and lemon to take your water to the next level.

The ~aesthetic~ of this photo is enough to want to give my skin some extra care.

The ~aesthetic~ of this photo is enough to want to give my skin some extra care.

One last possible reason for your breakouts could be that you might have taken a bit of a pause on your normal skincare routine. Since we’ve put our makeup to the side and opted for the au naturale look, it’s tempting to think that doing our elaborate 7-step skincare routine is futile. After all, it’s not like we actually clogged our pores with foundation or anything. Right?

Not exactly. A 2015 study found that people touch their faces 23 times an hour on average. It’s so habitual that we don’t even notice the countless scratches and picks. We touch so many contaminated surfaces throughout the day (including our bacteria-harboring phones) and then touch our faces, spreading more germs and oil to our skin that will clog pores and increase susceptibility to pimples. This is a problem that not only contributes to breakouts, but significantly increases the risk of infection with flu or cold viruses, as the eyes and mouth are target areas for viruses to enter the body.

It’s best to try and kick this habit overall, but regardless, you should still keep up with your skincare routine to ensure your skin is at its best (even if you’re the only one seeing it up-close). Instead of viewing your skincare regimen as yet another thing you have to do before finally falling into bed, try looking at it as an opportunity to practice self-care. Pay special attention to every step, and give your skin the love it deserves. Pro tip: any time the thought of going through your whole routine exhausts you, pull up some celebrity skincare routines on YouTube for that kick of motivation.

We might not be able to control a lot of things right now, but we can make small changes in our everyday lives to nurture ourselves. So go on. Treat ‘yo skin.

If you liked the photos used for this article, follow staff writer Sofia Perez’s beauty & skincare account on Instagram, @theglossyeditorial for quality content and reviews of the best products out there.