Down to Earth: Why Nature Time Is Necessary


Down to Earth: Why Nature Time is Necessary

Article & Photos by Grace Doering, Graphic by Leila Kassi

Right now, we are all having to participate in social distancing. Our lives quickly transitioned from relaxing during spring break to isolating ourselves from our friends, being thrown off our normal routines, and changing our living situations. While it’s vital to understand how necessary quarantine is, we can still make the most of it as we navigate school during this new way of life. One of the best things you can do? Take advantage of the spring weather right in your own backyard.

The endless opportunities

Remember being inside during a lecture and looking out the window at the amazing weather and wishing you could take advantage of it?  With college classes being switched to an online format, it can get quite sad and stuffy doing school and life inside all day. Now is your chance to take advantage of the great outdoors! You might be asking “What even is there to do outside but sweat and swat bugs away?” 


However, there are so many benefits to being outdoors, from getting more than 90% of our Vitamin D from casual exposure to the sun to reducing anxiety, stress, and fatigue. Being outdoors enhances your imagination, short term memory, and is a great way to get a good recharge in your day. Nature time is vital, so here are a few ideas for ways to soak up some sun during quarantine:

School Outdoors

Online school is a big transition, but it does not have to be an uncomfortable struggle. Embrace this weather while it lasts and take school outside. Bring a comfy blanket to sit on, make some yummy snacks, and enjoy the sunshine. Being outside in good weather can make all the difference to your mentality and is an instant mood-booster. 


Take a Walk 

Walks are not only a great way to get some exercise, but also an amazing way to release stress. If you are stressed about life and the uncertainty during these times, walking is perfect for slowing down and relieving some of that emotional and mental stress. Going for a good walk can also show you some beautiful things you never noticed in your neighborhood and make for a nice pick-me-up.

Do Something Different

Have you ever wanted to try yoga, painting, gardening, or even photography? This is the perfect opportunity to try some new activities outside in your own backyard or neighborhood that you have always wanted to do but never had time for. The scenery can be so relaxing and inspiring, which is a must right now.


Remember that we’ll come back this fall semester with new skills and refreshed mindsets because we got to slow down and spend time in nature, even if that just means setting up a picnic blanket in our backyard. Social distancing is something to be taken seriously, but we can try to make the most of it while still doing our part.