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The Easiest Way to Detoxify Your Skincare Routine

Article by Luci Lammoglia, Photo courtesy of Angelica Echéverry and Kevin Laminto via Unsplash

It can be tempting to pick a favorite makeup product or skincare item based on texture, fragrance, or the mere feel of said product on your skin. However, it is so vital to the care and keeping of your skin to choose your go-to items with knowledge of how exactly its ingredients will affect your skin long-term.

When you look at the ingredients on the back of every beauty product, odds are you aren’t familiar with them, let alone able to pronounce them. Newsflash: taking care of your skin shouldn’t be this complicated.

Fortunately, EWG’s “Skin Deep” located on ewg.org, helps you find the safest and healthiest products for your skin, from mascara to body wash. The Environmental Working Group strives to empower and educate consumers to make more informed decisions about the products we buy and the ones filled with chemicals that we should avoid. Here is how to navigate their website:

  1. Go to ewg.org and click on the tab labeled “EWG’S Skin Deep Guide To Cosmetics”

  2. Use the search bar to look up a skin or beauty product of your choosing.

  3. After you have found your item, click on its icon and the website will tell you everything you need to know about the formula.

  4. The number located next to the item you searched indicates how dangerous or safe the item is for your skin. If you see a 1 next to the product you chose, congratulations! This means that your product is free of any harsh chemicals. The closer your item is to a 10, the more harmful it is.

  5. Now look below the number. You should see four meters labeled Cancer, Developmental & Reproductive Toxicity, Allergies & Immunotoxicity, and Use Restrictions. These meters indicate the risks you take by using the products that contain toxins, carcinogens, allergy-inducing agents, and ingredients.

  6. Scroll down the page a little further and you will even find a number rating and a list of concerns found next to each ingredient. From there, you’ll know when it’s best to skip out on a product once you see a certain ingredient on its list.

  7. If your product was filled with ingredients that had negative ratings, take the time to search for better items! You will be shocked at the amount of affordable and safe items found on EWG’s website.

This fall, take time to implement a safer, healthier skincare regime. You do not have to buy a luxury brand item because it is labeled as natural; instead, look up drugstore products on ewg.org and rest assured that what you are regularly applying to your skin is good from the inside out.