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5 Tips for Creating the Best Morning Routine

Article by Lauren Galvis, Photos by Austin Flake

There is nothing worse than waking up, realizing you slept until noon, and having to race out of the door, with no time to get yourself ready physically or mentally. We have to take more time for ourselves and our needs and that starts in the morning! Here are my tips for a productive morning:

           1. Set your alarm to an appropriate time to wake up to everyday

Some of us are morning people, others are night owls - either way we can all benefit from waking up at the right time. If you are a morning person, set your alarm early enough to where you will have enough time to conquer everything first thing in the morning. For night owls, set your alarm to a time that you know won’t hinder your morning. There is no point in waking up super early if you’re just going to be feeling groggy and drowning in misery! Everybody has a different preference, and everyone has different times of the day where they are the most productive. The problem with most morning routine tips is that they want to force everyone to wake up super early, but you should choose whatever time works best for you and your schedule and work around that! 

          2. Check your schedule/Create a to-do list when you first wake up 

Waking up doesn’t always have to be hard to do. Want to get a good, productive start to the day? Don’t check your social media when you first wake up, but do check your to-do list. Having a to-do list on paper is so nice for when you want to have a peaceful morning. There’s probably a notebook or calendar hidden in your room somewhere, so pull out that bad boy and get to planning! Even if your paper source for planning is messy, you can create an organized chaos. Sitting down and writing out your schedule helps you process what you need to get done. Checking it first thing in the morning helps keep fresh in your mind what you have due and what you have planned, which you can then work your entire morning around. 

3. Try to incorporate fitness into your morning

All of us can benefit from some type of physical activity in the morning. It doesn’t have to be an intense 2-hour workout (unless that’s what you prefer) but we can find different ways to get active. Taking your dog for a 20 minute walk, for example, will not only satisfy your need for physical activity, but your dog will definitely love you 10 times more that day. YouTube has so many workout videos including Zumba, yoga, pilates, etc. so if you love to dance, throw on a Zumba video and get to dancing in your living room! Exercise releases so many endorphins that put you in a better mood, and it also makes you feel so much better about yourself.


4. Create a mini pampering routine

You don’t have to go out and buy something extravagant like a 24-k gold facial mask, or the $68 Tatcha water cream, but find some inexpensive items that will still make you feel classy. Go to Target and buy an inexpensive jade roller, find a cute headband, your favorite moisturizer, and a cute robe, and start pampering yourself! Personally, if I have a great skincare routine, comfy outfit and feel-good music blasting in the background, I truly do feel like I am living my best life. Not only will this process boost up your mood, but your pores will thank you later. 

 5. Treat yo’ self

Nowadays, we are all iced coffee and avocado toast queens, but if those don’t satisfy you, whip up your favorite breakfast food! We need to be eating things that will keep us full and boost our moods! I know I feel happier when I eat my favorite chocolate chip pancakes to start off my day! If you know that you are not going to be full after having a cup of greek yogurt for breakfast, choose a tastier, more filling breakfast. Why not start out the day with the foods you love? Not only will your stomach thank you, but your heart will, too! 

Now that you have some useful morning tips, feel free to put your own spin on them and try them out! Everybody has different preferences and different times of the day where they are the most productive. Do what works best for you and thrive.

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