Take a break from breakouts

The common struggle of acne has taunted many people for years on end. The idea that acne just affects teens and that you will grow out of it is a complete myth. Many young adults are still facing this struggle, and many don’t know what the cause is or what to do. There are many effective and easy ways that you can clear your skin and boost your confidence!

In order to know how to clear up your skin, you must first know the root causes of your breakouts. A very common and obvious cause is the uncleanliness of your skin, where dirt and sweat get packed down deep into your pores. One way to avoid this is by being consistent with your skincare routine. Make it a goal every morning to wash your face and never skip a step in your routine. Also, make sure that you wash your face after a workout, so your sweat doesn’t also clog up your pores. It might seem fun to try new products every week or so; however, when you find products that are keeping your skin healthy, you should try to avoid switching them up, as it may cause irritation in your skin as it adapts to changes within the product ingredients. Consistency truly is the key to having your skin get used to the healthy products that you implement in your skincare routine daily.

It is also wise to consider a common household item that secretly holds thousands of bacteria: your pillowcase. If you are struggling with acne on the sides of your face, you might want to consider washing your pillowcase more often. It is highly recommended that people wash their pillowcase case every week; however, another trick is washing it every 2 weeks and just using one side each week to maximize cleanliness. 

Another common cause of acne is overwashing or over-exfoliating your face. Some might think that it is actually beneficial to wash your face as much as you can, but this can leave you with very dry skin that has been stripped of all its natural oils. Having overly dry skin can cause breakouts to appear, due to your pores being opened and the dry skin cells sinking deeper into your pores. Instead, make sure to wash your face only in the morning and at night, with the exception of if you do an activity where you produce a lot of sweat. These habits might sound tedious, but these small actions could save you from unwanted breakouts occurring later.

With thousands of different skincare products in the market nowaday, it can be hard to know what to look for and what is truly healthy for your skin or not. Specific products might work well for one person, while being useless on another’s. However, there are certain staple products that you could add to your skincare routine and certain ingredients that you should be weary of.

A must in your skincare routine is a solid moisturizer. No matter how oily your skin is, a moisturizer is a necessity in order to keep your skin healthy,since after washing, your skin is stripped of its natural oils. The amount of SPF within a moisturizer should be considered before choosing one to stick with. An uncommon fact that many people are not aware of is that if you have any acne scars, they can become more visible from sun exposure. So by implementing SPF into your morning routine, you can prevent this from occurring. Your future self will also thank you for wearing SPF at a young age, as it plays a huge role in preventing wrinkles later on.

 Another important thing to consider about products you are buying are the ingredients within them. Many products may market themselves to be healthy and gentle on the skin, but contain ingredients that are secretly damaging your skin barrier. It can be heartbreaking finding out that one of your favorite brands uses harsh chemicals, but in the long run, it will be beneficial to ditch those products. Make sure to research the ingredients in a product before you buy them and make sure that they don’t include any alcohol or harsh chemicals. You can also ask a dermatologist or a certified esthetician for their opinion.

On the other hand, there are some situations where implementing a healthier routine and providing a lot of maintenance to your skin just isn’t enough. Sometimes you can be doing everything right and using all the right products, but still won’t see the results you desire. This is typically the case for fungal or hormonal acne, which are both extremely common among all ages. If you have these forms of acne, don’t lose hope quite yet, because there are many effective measures that can be taken to help your skin. To alleviate these forms of acne, a dermatologist is typically needed in order to obtain some of these products.

If you have fungal acne, then they can provide you with a sort of retinoid that will work wonders in clearing up your skin! On the other hand, hormonal acne typically appears in cycles. Your skin may be clear one week, then massive breakouts appear the next. If it is hormonal acne, they might give you a prescription that can help you see progress in your acne struggle. These are only common things that dermatologists might recommend. Making an appointment with a dermatologist is the best way to get a clear, certified opinion on your acne.

Everyone’s acne situation is unique on its own. What might work for your friend, might not be effective at all for you. Developing these habits can benefit you in the long run and guide you onto a healthier skincare journey!

Written by: Grace Kauderer, Photography: Linh Tran, Design: Jade Sung

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