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The Best Books To Read When You Need An Escape

In the age of digital entertainment, books tend to be the last option for escaping boredom. 

However, books hold a much greater purpose than just educating ourselves. They can be used as a way to escape during this time of sheltering-in-place. Throughout this period in which our homes may be too loud (or for some, too quiet), opening a book you have had on your to-read list for far too long might be just what you need. These novels are perfect for a little mental getaway.

Throne of Glass series by Sarah J Maas

Throne of Glass by Sarah J Mass is a young adult fantasy series that follows the journey of Celaena Sardothien, who is a teenage assassin in a corrupt kingdom with twists, turns, and romance after every chapter. This six-book series gets better and better with readers falling in love with the characters and the author all at once. 

The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern is an adventure that keeps you glued to the pages. The Night Circus, or Le Cirque des Rêves, is a mysterious circus that arrives without warning and is opened only, as the title explains, at night. Set in the late 19th century, readers are enchanted by not only the circus’ mysterious magic, but by the unknown competition between two young magicians where only one must be left standing at the end. 

A Court of Thorns and Roses series by Sarah J Maas

The first book in this series, titled A Court of Thorns and Roses, is a Beauty and the Beast retelling with fairy lore. The main protagonist Feyre gets thrust into magical lands and fairy people after unknowingly killing one. If you like a saucy romantic read, this one is a must. Make sure you have the second book handy because this series is definitely one you are going to want to binge!

Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling

This is probably the most well-known series, and for a good reason. Perfect for escaping into another world, the Harry Potter series is one that will bring out your inner-child and imagination. Centered around a young wizard named Harry Potter, this series is packed with different adventures and tribulations as Harry learns his life isn’t as boring as he thought. 

Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell

For those who are currently attending college, Fangirl is the epitome of relatability. This contemporary novel is a story of two twin sisters going through change. The story focuses on Cath’s transition from being comfortable with her sister always at her side, to going to college alone as an introvert who thrives in her internet and book world. This novel is all about coping with new situations and finding new friends that are there for you in tough times. 

This Is What Happy Looks Like by Jennifer E. Smith

Like romantic movies such as LOL and The Last Song? You’ll love This Is What Happy Looks Like, as it is the type of book to get you in those same summer-love feels. When a typo from a teenage superstar leads to a small-town girl, it sparks a long-time email friendship. When small-town Ellie finds out that her mystery email friend is superstar Graham Larkin, normality in her life ceases to exist. This summer romance novel between two people from two different worlds is one that is relatable throughout the troubles of daily life for these characters, as well as the unexpected changes that come with them. 

Just One Day by Gayle Forman

If you have read any of Gayle Forman’s other novels, this read is a must while in lockdown mode. This novel is a journey of self-discovery and true love. While on a study abroad trip to Paris, Allyson spends an incredible day with a Dutch actor named Willem De Ruiter, who sparks a flame in her life. Following this day, she spends the next year evaluating the change that was brought inside her, which ultimately leads her to life-changing self-discovery.

Again, But Better by Christine Riccio

Similar to Fangirl, Christine Riccio’s Again, But Better is a story about a shy college student who time travels to a second chance at life and romance. When Shane goes to travel abroad in London, she sees this as an opportunity to do college right. This time, she’ll be more social, have no regrets, and pursue her real passion of becoming a writer. However, this is easier said than done. As she steps outside of her comfort bubble, self-doubt causes her to feel like her life is falling apart. In the end, it is made clear that with courage and self-confidence, the possibilities are endless.

Article by Marilou Garcia, Cover Photo Courtesy of Daria Shevtsova via Pexels