A-Line Magazine

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Healthy Living Made Simple

Picture this: you’re packing your things and getting ready to move on to the adventure of college and the semi-adult world. You are heading off to live, learn, and learn how to live. One of the biggest challenges is learning to take care of yourself! As you begin school and work so hard to balance it all, healthy eating is probably the last thing you’re thinking about. With these tips, you can live your healthiest life in college with minimal effort!

1. Carry a Water Bottle EVERYWHERE.

The benefits of drinking enough water are endless. Staying hydrated is so important to your overall mental and physical health! Carrying a bottle of water in your bag and in your car wherever you go makes you more aware of your hydration needs and is the easiest way to make sure you are getting the proper amount of H20. 

2. Stock Up on Healthy Snacks

I recommend acai bowls with chia seeds, mixed nuts, and almond butter! Easy and delicious.

You may not have a full kitchen where prepping food for the week is possible, but there are still ways to consume healthy foods with a tight schedule and little space! Whether you live in a dorm or an apartment, it is super easy to keep some healthy foods on hand. Buy foods that are easy to grab and go, for those days when you wake up late but need some food in your stomach to function. Some of these foods might include: microwavable popcorn, granola bars, yogurt, prepackaged fruits or vegetables, and nut butters! Having healthy snacks available keeps you from eating snacks that might be convenient but not healthy. 

3. Get Enough Sleep (A-Line Favorite)

Sleep is so important for our physical health but even more important for our mental health. Getting 7-9 hours of sleep every night is practically impossible in college. Between going out on the weekends and studying all night during the week, sleep is a foreign concept. The best way to find time for enough sleep is to manage your time during the week! Good time management can go a long way and help you get more done during the day and hit the sheets earlier.

4. Use Your Resources 

Most college campuses have great fitness resources like intramural sports and rec centers! Getting involved in intramural sports is such a great way to combine your social life with fitness. You can even find a workout partner and hit the rec center together! Most recreational centers also have a lot of classes that you can attend to get your hour workout in without having to research a thing. Your college campus provides these resources so that students are able to live a healthier life in school, so take advantage!

College is hectic, and it is easy to disregard what your body is telling you. However, it is so important to take time out of your day to focus on your mental and physical health! You only have one body and one life, so do what you can today to feel amazing.