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Mind, Body, Spirit: 6 Essential Self-Care Tips

As a college student, it is far too easy to get sucked into an unhealthy routine. Between balancing school, work and trying to keep up with your social life, finding time for yourself can be hard to come by. College can feel overwhelming at times, but dedicating time to take care of yourself will greatly benefit you, both mentally and physically. 

So, what is self-care?

Self-care can be mean many things, but to sum it up, self-care is taking time to make sure your body is nourished, your mind is at peace and your soul is content. Self-care looks different for everyone, because everyone has their own individual needs. This means doing the things that make you feel good. While self-care is very individualistic, here are a few tips that will help you identify things in your life that can help you take care of your body and mind.

Fresh fruit bowls for the win!

1. All the nourishments, please.

Nourishing your body starts in the kitchen. As college students, we are all guilty of skipping meals or eating tons of junk food. However, food fuels our bodies and our minds. When we don’t eat the right foods or just don’t eat at all, we are depriving ourselves of nutrients that give us the energy we need to get through the day. 

Making healthy choices doesn’t mean you can’t treat yourself to your favorite foods. It just means implementing some fruits, vegetables or other healthy options into your diet. One of my favorite ways to ensure I am eating right is through meal planning. It makes eating healthy so much easier and is convenient for my busy schedule. 

2. Move that body! 

Get your blood pumping with a quick cardio sesh!

In college, it is easy to become stagnant because of all of the studying and homework we have to do. After a long day, it is tempting to just jump in the bed and binge-watch Netflix shows, but that isn’t doing your body any good. Exercise doesn’t have to be anything complex; it can be as simple as walking on the treadmill for 30 minutes a day. 

The most important thing is that you get up and move your body. Not only does exercise help you feel confident on the outside, but it also boosts your mood, decreases anxiety and increases productivity. 

3. Sleep it off 

Getting adequate sleep is tough to manage while in college, but it is one of the most important self-care habits for you to implement into your routine. Sleep impacts everything from your emotions and ability to learn, to decision making skills and even your chances of developing certain diseases or other health complications. 

My tip for getting a good night’s sleep is to try not to procrastinate and plan ahead. Not procrastinating will help you finish your work/studying at a reasonable hour and give you time to relax and get an adequate amount of sleep. Your body and mind will thank you later. 

4. Mental health matters 

Mental health is something that many college students struggle with. College is a time when you leave home, have more independence than ever and try to figure out who you are and where you belong in this world. All of these new changes can be emotionally taxing, which is why taking time to do things that relieve stress is so important. 

Prioritizing your mental health can be done in a variety of ways. It can be anything from writing in your journal every night or staying off of social media for a few hours a day, to sitting down and talking to a friend or loved ones about how you are feeling. Whatever your way of taking care of your mental health is, resting your mind will greatly help to improve your happiness and quality of life. 

5. Pamper yourself

Pampering yourself isn’t a necessity, but it sure is fun. Give yourself a little TLC day at least once a week, simply because it will make you feel good. Take around 30 minutes out of your day to do things that you enjoy, such as taking a bubble bath, putting on a face mask, turning on an essential oil diffuser and just relaxing. 

Your pamper routine doesn’t have to be expensive or luxurious. Sometimes all we need to feel better is a warm bath and time to ourselves. 

6. Bask in the light

Good ‘ole Vitamin D! The benefits of stepping outside and getting our daily dose of sunshine are undeniable. Vitamin D has been proven to improve your mood, help you sleep better at night and give you more energy. As college students, it is easy to get stuck inside all day doing homework or studying, so it is important to go outside and catch some rays. All this being said, make sure that you are applying sunscreen daily to prevent sun damage and premature aging.

Self-care can help you to not only survive, but thrive in college. Many college students neglect to take care of their body and mind due to the responsibilities and stress of school, but taking a little time out of your day for yourself is crucial. Not only will implementing these tips into your routine help you feel better and perform better, but they are habits you can make a part of your life even after college.